FilmGear® HMI F-Series


HMI F-Series Product Video

HMI F-Series Overview


The HMI F-Series, legendary products of FilmGear®, are the optimum choices for maximum light output on set. Each of the slick purple-grey housing has a unique reflector design and an easy-to-use flood and spot adjustment knob that controls beam angle but eliminates the need for spread lenses.

The F-Series have a large family of 9 lamp heads ranging from 800w to 18,000w that gaffers and productions have been using around the world. With the F18, F12, F9, F6, F4, F2.5, F1.8, F1.2 and F800,  FilmGear® provides a wide variety of workhorses for any project imaginable. 

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The FilmGear® HMI F-Series are known as the workhorses in the film industry. Cinematographers and gaffers have been using these lamp heads and ballasts in the harshest conditions without any problems. Our customers around the globe have had these HMI units for over 15 years and counting. These tough lights are built to last.

Yet, in the rare case of an emergency or any on-set malfunctions, customers can always contact FilmGear® for assistance, our team are filmmakers too, so we understand that no matter what, the show must go on.

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Specs and Accessories


These powerful fixtures emit light at a color temperature of 5600k, replicating daylight at its brightest. The reflector is designed to produce a smooth bright light. (Note: there is no black halos like the other brand)

Each lamp head is optimized for the user's safety with its UV protective glass and cutting edge locking mechanism, ensuring that the door will always be locked when turning on the lamp head. 

A standard set of the FilmGear® F-Series HMI comes with a lamp head with barn-door, a head-to-ballast cable, and an electronic ballast with a dimmer and three modes of function: 300Hz, flicker-free, and silent. High speed ballast comes with 1000Hz option.

Watch Our Featured Ambassador Don Mazi Mitchell Demonstrate the FilmGear® HMI F-series

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Film Gear USA

Engineered by Filmmakers, for Filmmakers.