Summer has come to a close, but the sun never sets on FilmGear® when it comes to bringing you lighting equipment with outstanding output at affordable rates.
We at FilmGear® know that anyone can talk a big game but we are willing to show you what we’re made of live and in-person by offering personalized demos.
Whether we come to your shop or you want to visit ours, or even if you’re across the globe and want a virtual look at our arsenal of fixtures, we have a wide range of options for giving you hands-on experience with our lights.
So bring your gaffer, bring your meter and check them out for yourself!
There’s something so exciting about taking our lighting arsenal on tour and we have done it plenty over the years, being invited by rental houses and stages all over to present our latest and greatest fixtures.
We’ve hit up the key industry players all across Southern California.
From firing up our Power Beams at Cinelease, MBS and Quixote to unveiling our latest LEDs and HMIs to the likes of Santa Clarita Studios, BLT Studios, and Smashbox, these industry pros were so impressed with what we had they soon stocked the shelves and aisles of these beloved rental houses.
So, if you’re in need of quality lighting gear then ring up any of these industry mainstays and ask to get your hands on their lineup of FilmGear® lights!
Not to mention how we filled the halls of both UCLA and USC with a wide range of LEDs and HMIs to help introduce the next generation of filmmakers into the wider world of professional film lighting.
If you’re in the Southern California area, we’d love the opportunity to put on a show for you on location.
If however, you’d like to come to our neck of the woods and get some hands on experience with our lamps, feel free to come by for an in-house demo at our South El Monte location.
We’ve hosted demos in our workshop to the staff of AFI and even held a launch demo for our latest lights, the Zenith 1500C and 1000C, to an eager crowd of local filmmakers.
Whether it’s one-on-one or you want to bring the whole team, come on by and see where the magic happens up close and personal!
It’s hard to replace the feeling of hands-on experience when it comes to working with these fixtures, but if time or distance are an obstacle for you then you should consider booking a virtual demo with us.
Simply schedule a time slot with us and we will showcase whichever lights you request and of course answer any questions along the way!
While the virtual option is a new addition, we aim to offer the same in depth demonstrations you’ll find in our on-site and in-house presentations.
So as you can see we have an array of options for those looking to get experience with FilmGear®’s latest lights.
Whether you want to come us, bring us to you or take the whole thing virtual, we at FilmGear® pride ourselves on giving the end user the fullest experience we can so you truly know what you’re getting.
And with our special try and buy discount you can get15% off of any fixture you demo with us and then purchase on that same day.
Don’t miss your opportunity and book a demo of your own with us today by calling us at (323)780-8880!