The FilmGear® family of filmmakers has grown over the years. We love to hear from gaffers across the globe about what they enjoy most about FilmGear® lights. Here are just a few of the things they had to say about working with our fixtures.
The smooth light quality of our robustly built HMIs has made them an absolute staple of our lighting arsenal. Thanks to their powerhouse output and workhorse design, they’re a favorite among professionals who need a sun they can rely on. In fact, some of our units have been roughing it out on all kinds of sets for over 20 years! We’re proud to provide gaffers with powerful lampheads that can stand up to anything, and gaffers like Mazi are proud to own FilmGear® as well:
“The HMI lampheads held up in the harshest environments: I went to Istanbul, we worked 12-14 hour days and they were really efficient, they were in great shape. I got many compliments on FilmGear’s light quality.”
- Mazi Mitchell, Local 728 Gaffer
Beyond our flagship HMIs, FilmGear®’s LEDs are loved by many gaffers for their dependable, accurate output. In particular, the Apollos’ intense yet efficient punchiness matched their traditional fresnel counterparts so well that gaffers like Zack were immediately smitten. It’s no wonder it drew the eye of gaffers the world over!
“I was really drawn to the LED Fresnels. It’s a lot cooler and I like the bi-color aspect. It’s really precise and the brightness is even punchier than the 2k we had which was very important!
- Zack Zeidman, Gaffer
While light quality is certainly important, FilmGear® users universally know the value of a light’s build quality. Any light that’s going to be on set for months at a time, moving from location to location needs to be built like a tank. With our lights finding homes in every corner of the globe for decades, pros can rest assured that they can stand the test of time and brave the rigors of set life.
“I was impressed by the quality of construction. These lights were pretty beefy, and will stand up well to a lot of abuse.”
-BLT Studios Stage Manager
While price point is definitely an important factor, FilmGear® doesn’t sacrifice any quality to meet your budget. That’s why we can be proud of not just our affordability but also the actual value that comes with it . We also offer in-depth technical support and will service your fixtures in a timely manner so you can get the light back to set as soon as possible!
“To me the three things that are so important are affordability, bang for buck quality and customer support.”
- Nikola Kitanovski, Director
It is always an absolute pleasure to hear from the amazing filmmakers who have worked with our broad arsenal of lights. We love getting their feedback on what we’re doing right but also where we can make changes or improvements. If you have your own experiences with any of our lights, feel free to share them with us, we look forward to it! After all, FilmGear® is engineered by filmmakers for filmmakers.